

英漢字典: take off

1. remove 脫下

    Help me to take this handle off. 幫我取下這個把手。

    Take your coat off and sit down. 脫掉外衣坐下吧。

2. leave the ground and go up(飛機)起飛

    The plane is taking off. 飛機要起飛了。

3. imitate;give an amusing imitation of 模仿

    Mary can take off her English teacher perfectly. 瑪麗模仿她的英文老師維妙維肖。

    He takes that comedian off beautifully. 他學那個喜劇演員學得極象。

4. reduce;subtract as a discount;deduct 減少;減去;打折扣

    They took off 25 per cent discount for each. 他們每一個都打七五折。

    As the cover of the book was torn,the bookseller took 50p off. 因為那本書的封皮已破,店主把書減價50便士。

5. remove from service or circulation;discontinue 取消班車等服務;中止

    Some local trains have been taken off,as there was no demand for them. 一些區間火車已被取消,因為用不著了。

    The 7 a. m. express to London will be taken off next month. 上午7點開往倫敦的快車下月將取消。

    The play was taken off after six performances. 這出戲演了6場後停演了。

6. amputate 截除

    The surgeon took off his arm. 外科醫生截除了他的手臂。

7. lead away 帶走

    The child was taken off by kidnappers. 那孩子被綁匪拐走了。

    The guard took him off to prison. 看守人員把他帶到監獄去了。

8. leave hurriedly;depart 急忙離開;啟程

    He took off yesterday for Beijing. 他昨天啟程去北京了。

    The sharp criticism made him take off in a fit of temper. 尖銳的批評使他忿然離去。

    He grabbed his bag and took off for the meeting. 他抓起包就匆匆忙忙地去開會了。

9. reduce(weight)減輕(體重)

    She took off three pounds last month. 她上個月體重減輕了3磅。

    To take off pounds,you don't have to cut down the amount of food you eat,but the number of calories. 為了減輕體重,你不必減少食量,只需減少飲食中的熱量就行了。

10. remove by death;kill 殺死;致死

    He was taken off by cholera. 他被霍亂送掉了性命。

    Millions were taken off by the plague. 那場瘟疫奪走了成百萬人的生命。

11. have(a period of time)as a break from work or as a holiday;absent oneself from work;ask for leave 有(一段時間)的休息或休假;不去上班;度假;請假

I took a week off in March and I'm taking Easter off,too. 我在3月份休息了一週,還要在復活節休假。

    I was tired out,so I took the day off. 我疲勞極了,所以那天我休息了一天。

    I'd like to take next Monday off to visit my sister in hospital. 我想下星期一請假去醫院看我姐姐。

12. drink off;swallow 飲盡;吞下

    He took off a bottle of beer at one draught. 他一口氣喝完了一瓶啤酒。

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